The Library will be closed Friday, May 12 & Saturday May 13. Please visit us on Blanchard Ave for our book sale. Proceeds go toward buying exciting, adventurous, interesting, educational, colorful, imagination promoting, and just plain fun children's books. We have boxes and boxes of books to choose from, children and adult. Try a mystery or suspenseful novel. Also an humorous or silly book, plenty of those for kids! Learn about someone with a biography or get lost in an adventure story.
Reading to children is a gift of your time, brings out the child's imagination, and opens a young life to years of enjoyment. One of the best gifts ever!
Upcoming Events at the library Craft Club ~ Tuesdays ~ 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm Lego Club ~ Thursdays ~ 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm Storytime ~ Saturdays ~ Call for time